Are you looking for an efficient, low-cost solution to satisfy room temperature troubles? No matter what size space you’re trying to cool or heat, discover energy efficient savings and eco-friendly solutions, while keeping the temperature just right inside your home. Imagine the possibilities with a ductless temperature controlled system.

Where’s All the Money Going?

Central air and other similar ducted systems are catch-all heating solutions that lack the precision and control of their ductless counterparts. When a forced air system works to cool or heat your home, you have little control over where that air goes. This means that vacant rooms are getting the same amount of energy and service as your favorite spots in the house.

It’s wasteful, inefficient and expensive to cool or heat the basement storeroom the same way you cool or heat the kitchen or bedroom. But a ducted system doesn’t allow for that kind of precise control. So the cold or warm air flows throughout your home and you see the results of this inefficiency on your utility bill every month.

How can you target the specific rooms you use the most and divert some of the energy and costs from the ones you don’t?

Where Traditional HVAC Falls Short

There are several ways that traditional systems fall short:

  • Thermostat placement is rarely conducive to providing accurate comfort control in other areas. For example, thermostats can often be found in a home’s master bedroom. When the temperature in that room is adjusted, the children’s room across the hall may not be receiving the comfort that it needs.
  • Ductwork tends to run through uninsulated spaces, which leads to thermal heat loss. If there is a leak in the ductwork, or if flex-ducting is pinched due to improper installation, duct-loss will lead to wasted energy as the system has to compensate for the wasted energy.
  • Lastly, conventional systems use a standard single speed compressor that can only run at full speed. This means that the system works at full capacity until the desired temperature is achieved, then shuts off. As the temperature changes, this cycle repeats and can create uncomfortable drafts and expensive energy spikes.

The Targeted Solution

Would you like to get back in control in less than two days? An easy-to-install ductless system has proven technology that is far more energy efficient than traditional HVAC and up to 40 percent more efficient than conventional systems.

Here’s a how a ducted system works inefficiently; it notices that the temperature is, for example, two degrees higher than what it ought to be. It turns on, works frantically to pump cool air throughout the home and when it senses the temperature has lowered, it shuts off. Gradually, the space warms again.

On the other hand, the Mitsubishi Electric ductless system uses an INVERTER-driven compressor to provide exact control 100 percent of the time. They constantly adjust to even the slightest temperature changes in the room so that it doesn’t fluctuate – and they don’t waste money or energy on the zones where you spend little time.

The ductless unit is installed to deliver room-by-room comfort in the spaces you choose. The majority of your cooling and heating energy (and money) goes where you need it, and not where you don’t. In this way, you get personalized comfort in the rooms you use most. This is known as “zone control”.

Even More Ways to Save

Most ductless systems have earned the Energy Star, which means savings as they operate, as well as applicable Energy Star rebates. Some units are eligible for state or federal tax credits, or local utility discounts. The biggest long-term savings comes from using a system that works efficiently. According to the Energy Star website, “Replacing your system with an Energy Star certified model could cut your heating and cooling costs by up to 40 percent.”

Big or small, no matter where you live, outdated technology costs more to operate. Ducted systems work round-the-clock sending cold or warm air to vacant rooms and they also use unnecessary energy as the temperature naturally fluctuates. INVERTER-driven compressors in ductless systems ensure the optimal efficiency of the energy they expend; you save even more by concentrating your temperature control efforts in only the rooms that matter.

Sources: Ductless Heating & Cooling for Consumers